Sep 26, 2010

The Dead Weather

I love Jack White no matter which band he's playing with, but I was in the mood for the Dead Weather tonight.

Sep 20, 2010

Blackberry Farm in June

These are images from June in Ohio this past summer. I had such a great time being on the farm, I couldn't stop compulsively carrying my camera around, the consequence being that I have a lot of random photos of the lovely old place.

My beloved home base.

Here is rescued, semi-tame Griet and her son, 100% tame Cheddar.

The view from my window.
Antique roses.

My dad's metal and sandstone sculptures inhabit the gardens, adding a surreal element to the atmosphere.
Sour cherry tree. The humidity is high, air is damp and getting warm this time of morning.

One of dad's pieces of stonework is next to the picnic table.


Day lilies. I went through a Sam Gribley phase as a kid, must have read My Side of the Mountain a hundred times. Sam was my hero so of course I tried digging up cattail tubers and making acorn flour, but one experiment that worked was fried lily buds. My mom's lucky she had any lilies bloom! They're yummy and reminded me just a little of friend okra. A little tart and very tasty.

Darn, I can't remember what this is.

Or this. Rats!

Freya, enjoying some time outside. She's supposed to be trimming weeds and the lawn, but she prefers checking out what's in the cultivated beds.

Sam's been working all day patrolling the barnyard and gardens, he's pooped!

The comfrey patch is an exotic insect resort.

The red geranium. I love this color.

Sep 11, 2010

Take a moment...

...and give this a look-see.

Sep 9, 2010

If you haven't, then you should...

...listen to The Be Good Tanyas. I love Frazey Ford's voice.

"Let’s play this one out, until it explodes
Into a thousand tiny pieces
What’s the story universe
You are melody in numbers
You were shapes you were rhythms
There are signs that we can learn
Place over the heavens
To predict how long we’ll burn
How long will I last?
Can you turn up the heat?
What star am I circling?
What’s circling me?
Am I ebb, am I flow?
My lack of control
Turn it on, turn it up
Say yes, play no

Things keep changing
Things keep changing
Things keep changing"