Jul 20, 2012

Where does evil come from?

I write in response to a recent, local tragedy.

I woke this morning feeling refreshed and blissfully unaware of current events. (Ignorance is bliss, but only to the ignorant.) I walked the dog, I fed the bunny, I put the kettle on, I went about the little routines that make up my morning. The heat was beating down already when I walked Romeo, making the air thick and filling as pea soup. I kissed my sister goodbye as she left after a wonderful visit, to head back east. And then a text from our concerned brother changed the day's mood. Shootings? Aurora? I hadn't finished my first cup of coffee yet and felt a bit like Arthur Dent trying to put meaning to the word "yellow".

Roland "Doobie", 2006-July 18, 2012

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today."  - Watership Down

We lost Rollie to lung cancer yesterday.  You are missed, little friend.

Jul 7, 2012

Alien in my Window

I found this dried out little body on my windowsill next to the basil plants.  Ashes to ashes, little alien.

2 Things Challenge: Home/Image

The back barnyard on Blackberry Farm, late spring, as seen from my mother's fiber workshop loft.